21d Detox Regeneration

by Dror Or



The "Regeneration" app is an effective tool in restoring and revitalizing your health.The app. gives you access to numerous recipes, yoga lessons, meditation and is part of our full "Regeneration” program.Once you download the app you have the option of joining our online detoxification program. The program is a 21 day detox using the rice diet. You will be guided through 7 stages, each stage is 3 days. Research has proven that the Detox program is effective in balancing hypertension and cleansing atherosclerosis. Join us to learn more about your body, increase your energy and cleanse your skin. The detox is an easy and satisfying method, imagine losing 5% of your body weight and never feeling hunger. Guided by: Karin or - Naturopath DR. and Dror Or – Psychotherapist